Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Ersatz Elevator

1. Why is Dark Avenue so dark?

2. What is Esme' obsessed with?

3. Why have Jerome and Esme' decided to take the Baudelaires in as their children?

4. What is so strange about the doorman, and who do you think he might be?

5. What did the children finally figure out about the elevator?

6. What did they discover when inside the elevator?

7. What brave thing did Sunny do even though she was only a baby?

8. Where they able to save they Quagmires? Why or Why not?

9. What surprised them at the end of the story about Jerome?

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Austere Academy

1. What does the motto mean?

2. What are 2 strange things about this school?

3. List three of the consequences for breaking rules.

4. How are the Baudelaires and the Quagmires alike?

5. What is Count Olaf's disguise this time?

6. What is S.O.R.E?

7. Why does the Baudelaires have to stay in the orphan shack?

8. Why does the Quagmire triplets disguise themselves as the Baudelaires?
9. What happens to the Quagmires?

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Miserable Mill

1. Name two strange things about the town of Paltryville.

2. What is an optimist?

3. Who do you think will be inside the eye shaped building?

4. What happened to Klaus?

5. How did Count Olaf disguise himself this time?

6. How does Count Olaf plan to get the Baudelaires fortume this time?

7. By the end of the book, Klaus and Violet sort of uses the each others talent. Explain what they did?

8. What happened to Dr. Orwell?

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

4. Why did the chlidren think that Aunt Josephine's note was forged?

5. Why did Violet, Klaus, and Sunny eat peppermint when they knew they were allergic to them?

6. What did Klaus discover about Aunt Josephine's note and what was it?

7. Sunny showed that she could be very brave. What did she do?

8. What did Klaus do to get Aunt Josephine to leave the cave?

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Wide Window

1. Describe Aunt Josephine.

2. Each one of the children and Aunt Josephine has a niche. Your niche would be playing basketball. List the niche for each of the children and Aunt Josephine.

3. How did Count Olaf disguise himself this tmes as compared to when he was Stephano?

Friday, March 26, 2010

Anslea, here are a few questions from the book the Reptile Room. Use information that you remember from the book and also use the book to help you with these questions.

1. How did Count Olaf disguise himself as Stephano?

2. How did Count Olaf kill Uncle Monty?

3. Why did Count Olaf kill Uncle Monty?

4. What did distraction did Sunny and Klaus use to keep the grown-ups busy while Violet looked for evidence to prove Stephano was Count Olaf?

5. What does the word misnomer means?

6. What is the main conflict of the story?

7. How was this conflict solved (the resolution)?

8. Define the following terms from the story: unblemished (Count Olaf's ankle) and glumly

9. What do you think will happen in the next book, The Wide Window? (Make a predicition and support your prediction with specific details that you remeber from The Reptile Room and The Bad Beginning?